As we face a different Thanksgiving, one filled with zoom calls instead of a bustling table while we all social distance and stay safe, we at Esplanade would like to express what we are grateful for this year during these challenging times.
- The support of our staff, our families and loved ones, and our pets who keep us positive
- Our industry colleagues, the virtual trade shows and webinars that keep us up to date and knowledgable on our destinations across the world
- Our suppliers and partners around the world that have given back to their communities in this time where extra support is most needed
- Social media and our blog for allowing us to continue to share our favorite experiences with you
- Technology for allowing us to stay completely connected despite the circumstances
- You (our readers, clients and friends) who continue to support Esplanade when travel isn’t necessarily at the forefront of your minds
Thank you! We wish everyone a Happy (and safe) Thanksgiving!